Vertica and Emacs
If you have paid attention to my other blog entries you have already figured that I am a fan of Literate Database Work as well as a user of Vertica. sql-mode and sql-interactive-mode are quite powerful. I combined them with yasnippet. The product is vertica-snippets - a package you can install via MELPA. If you are like me you probably have trouble remembering queries like
select qe.user_name, count(*) from v_monitor.query_events qe join v_monitor.query_requests qr on qr.transaction_id = qe.transaction_id and qr.statement_id = qe.statement_id where qr.request_type = 'QUERY' and qe.event_type = 'RLE_OVERRIDDEN' and to_char(event_timestamp, 'YYYY-MM-DD') = '2018-02-01' group by 1 ;
of course it is easier to switch sql-product to vertica and type:
and press TAB.
I am totally aware of the fact that the number of users using VERTICA and Emacs is pretty small - right now the package got downloaded 9 times. Nonetheless: If you think a query is missing feel free to send me a pull request.